My Services
Specializations include:
Career Transitions
Empty Nest Refocus
Values and Priorities
Looking Forward
Is there something just not quite right? What’s the objective? Are you on track? Whose “track” are you on? What can you do? What do you hope for? What can you change?
It is said that you are either moving forward or moving backward. Which are you? If looking back, let’s stabilize. We can assess where you are right now, today, and begin to shift your sights to looking ahead at the possibilities. And if you are already looking forward, what’s keeping you from feeling satisfied? from achieving that goal? from making that change? from being that person you envision? Is there something that, if you could just find the courage to say or do, would change everything for you? Think of the freedom, peace and joy you are missing by not figuring this out.
Life Events
Newly married, divorced, widowed, empty nest, retired? What now?
As all the airline safety manuals remind us, “In case of loss of cabin pressure, put your own mask on first, before assisting others”. This is about your personal peace, development and growth. Rediscover who you really are.… friend, partner, parent, child, entrepreneur, executive, employee, helper, ….be who you truly are.
Your kids are fantastic but sometimes, when you are alone, you wonder if you are! Do you need a reality check?
Your kids are on their own, independent, contributing, growing and learning. Who are you now? Where do you apply all those skills that you used as a parent? How can you regain your vision for the future not only as a parent, but as an individual?
Young Adults
High school to college and college to career are important steps for children and their parents. As young adults strive to establish independence from their parents and their younger selves, they may hesitate to call Mom and Dad in cases where they may have done so in the past.
Maybe parents can’t provide that kind of support at this stage.
These kids are solid but may benefit from an objective adult perspective. I’d love to be that adult, giving objective and honest feedback through the eyes and heart of a mother who’s been through this.
Care And Feeding Of A College Town Workforce
College town businesses face unique challenges. New, part-time students provide a steady source of employees but can also bring a unique source of employer frustrations.
Some of your new hires have great potential and are worth the investment in training. But those same people, in terms of work attitudes and behaviors, can run the spectrum from believing that THEY should be running the show to not recognizing that they actually have to show up on time when scheduled, and actually work!
Identify the skilled and talented employees you want to retain and coach these new hires to be high performing assets for your business.